
Cabecera regreso al trabajo à punt COMPAC

The return to work of COMPAC Surfaces in À Punt Notícies

COMPAC and his return to work as a role model

At COMPAC we have received the best of the news. None of our workers has been infected with the Covid-19 virus or is in the active process of the disease. This is the result we have obtained after offering the rapid test to all our workers, including their relatives in these tests.

In addition and within our active CSR policy, and in collaboration with the Valencian Trilema Foundation, the rapid test has been carried out on all public personnel of the Real de Gandia City Council and members of the security forces operating in the area.
In this way, we wanted to thank the enormous effort that these collectives are making to protect our social environment. This same week, we will carry out this same action, with the same scope, for the entire workforce at our plant in Abrantes, Portugal.

COMPAC ans his return to work

Desde À Punt, han querido conocer de primera mano como estamos aplicando las nuevas medidas de seguridad, os dejamos el enlace a la noticia